There are several methods for obtaining support for the taxEstimator project:
Community Support
The primary support mechanism for this open source project is the
open source community itself. This is provided by the
Project Forums.
The following forums are (currently) available:
taxEstimator For discussion of all things related to taxEstimator. taxEngineServer Anything related to the RushTaxOS taxEngine and taxEngineServer. Help For requesting help with a specific problem. Developers A discussion forum for anyone extending or making changes to the software, including new ideas.
Software Defect Reporting
The second support mechanism is provided
by utilizing the taxEstimator
Software Defect Reporting tool.
There are categories for reporting
taxEstimator operation,
taxEngineServer, and
related problems, as well as a catch-all category.
The defect reporting tool is available at:
Instant Messenger
And, finally, Instant Messenger support is provided
via MSN Instant Messenger at
Obviously, this form of support assumes that someone
is online when you have the problem or question.