This is the first release of the taxEstimator desktop project.
webEstimator and mobEstimator will follow as soon as I have the time to complete working on them.
taxEstimator is a GUI application to display the results of United States federal personal income tax refund estimates computed by the RushTaxOS taxEngine Library.
The taxEstimator is written in Microsoft C#, using .NET Framework 3.5. It consists of 3 sub-projects:
taxEstimator A desktop application for Microsoft Windows XP and Vista webEstimator A browser application for Microsoft Windows Internet Explorer mobEstimator A mobile application for Microsoft Windows Mobile Devices
RushTaxOS taxEngine Library
The taxEstimator utilizes the RushTaxOS taxEngine Library to perform the underlying calculations. The RushTaxOS taxEngine Library is an open source computational library written in object-oriented PHP 5. It was designed to perform United States federal personal income tax refund estimate calculations.
The RushTaxOS taxEngine Library is available on Sourceforge at the following address:
The RushTaxOS taxEngine Library comes pre-packaged with a SOAP server, named taxEngineServer, designed to provide a sample of how to use the RushTaxOS taxEngine Library for an income tax refund estimate SOAP-based web service.
SOAP Client Implementation
The taxEstimator is a SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) client, which requires the associated SOAP server to be implemented in order to work. To speed development, taxEstimator utilizes PocketSOAP (version 1.5.4) to communicate with taxEngineServer, the RushTaxOS taxEngine SOAP server.
PocketSOAP is an easy to use, Open Source [MPL] SOAP client COM component for the Windows family from Simon Fell at PocketSoap.com. It can be downloaded from the following link: