Subversion Repository

The taxEstimator project is stored in a Subversion source control management (SCM) system on the SourceForge network.

The Subversion repository may be browsed on-line (through a web browser) by navigating to the following link:

When you go to the link above, you should receive a document containing a directory tree similar to the one shown below.


Repository Structure

As can be seen in the image above, the root structure of the taxEstimator conforms to the suggested (default) Subversion structure. This should be familiar to Subversion users.

  • trunk

    The trunk folder contains the current source under development. This is where project developers check out source to work on and check-in their changes.

    This folder probably contains source which will not compile properly and, if it does, it probably won't run. It is intended for use by active project developers only.

  • tags

    The tags folder contains 2 sub-folder types:

    Snapshot folders contain a copy of the trunk folder created at certain times during the software development.

    The Snapshot might have been taken at the end of a software modification and prior to the start of a new modification, or simply taken to preserve the state of the source at a given point.

    This folder may contain source which might not compile properly and, if it does, it might not run properly. It is intended for use by active project developers.

    Build folders contain the code generated for the Snapshot with the same number. A Build folder might not be produced for a given Snapshot, depending upon the needs of the developer.

    Build folders contain test code. The code might not run properly. Running it in an unprotected environment might have unexpected results and may cause damage to your computer system. These folders are intended for use by active project developers only.

  • branches

    The branches folder contain the Release folders.

    The Release folders contain a structure similar to the root repository, with the branches folder being renamed to patches to reflect it's use.

    trunk folder contains a copy of the contents of the Snapshot folder used to create the release.

    Maintenance changes to the release are made to the source in this folder.

    The tags folder contains a copy of the original Snapshot folder used to create the release.

    The name of the Snapshot folder has a dash followed by the maintenance modification number added to the end of it's name.

    The patches folder contains a copy of the patched Release folder, named similarly to the names in the Snapshot folder.

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